I just haven't felt like blogging lately. Life is busy, I'm tired, I can't find the cord to my camera so I have no good pictures, so, I have no incentive to post anything. Here's a little update anyway.
Cameron has almost all his teeth in. He's been teething for what seems like forever. We are working on weaning... it's going pretty good. Just the early morning hours to go and we'll be done. :) Yay!
James starts school next week. He will be gone on monday and wednesday nights this semester. That will be hard, but he has no choice really.
After having a miscarriage in April, I have been very slow to mention anything about this current pregnancy. But since I'm almost at 13 weeks, and my midwife has seen the heartbeat, I'm feeling much less worried than before. So, yes, as most, if not all of you reading this know, I am pregnant and my due date is Feb. 28. That is why I'm weaning Cameron. It's hard to keep my weight from dropping while nursing and pregnant at the same time. It's just too draining to have to get up in the middle of the night to feed him, and then I have to feed myself so that I don't wake up in the morning sick because of being too hungry! I don't know how some people manage to do both all the way through and gain any weight like they are supposed to!
The tenth was our anniversary, I can't believe it's been two years already since we got married. Well, I guess I can believe it when I think about all the things that have happened it that time, and I look at Cameron and see how big he's gotten.
Speaking of Cameron, he's waking up from his nap. I better run now.