Cameron is walking and very excited here. The angle makes it looks like he's holding on to the chair, but he's not.

Helping mama with the dishwasher is one of his favorite things to do.

Oh, and climbing into everything!

Someone must be watching his mother too much!

I was trying to take a nice picture but he wanted the camera, so this is what we got.
Cute cute cute, he's nice and chubby as ever. Thankfully my boy (my first one that is) is chubby too, and stocky, but not as chubby as Cam, ah well, at least he isn't scrawny! I especially like the pic of him on the dishwasher.
Ev xx
Terribly cute. I miss him soooo much!!!
Give'em a kiss for me. Miss y'all.
Nice pics! :)
Um, did he really put those shoes on by himself? Wow.
Little Carl enjoys going on the dishwasher too, but I never like it. What if he falls backwards?! Oh dear...I get nervous about some things like that.
Much love,
Steph, Cameron tries very hard to put our shoes on all the time, but can't figure out the toe on the flip flops, I helped him with that part. He stood still for a while that way. I've found him standing in James' dress shoes before, but his feet are so little that he was able to have his toes in the heel...if that makes sense!
I figure the dishwasher is no more dangerous than him sitting in a chair (I remember when Claire was little you didn't mind her standing in an office chair and I was about to have a heart attack!) maybe a little better since it's so low. Oh well. :)
Noah tries to climb on the dishwasher too, but I don't let him--I'm not worried about him falling, what, eight inches or so?--but he does like to go for the silverware holder, and I'm worried that he'll grab a knife. But most of all, I worry that the hinges on the door might bend under his weight. I depend way too much on my dishwasher to have the door broken! :)
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