Friday, December 12, 2008

they came in the mail already!

I ordered some diapers, covers, and snappis from babyworks on Wednesday, and they've already arrived. That means it only took two days! That's so cool. lol I sound like a little kid. Now we'll see how long the motherease diapers take to come in the mail. For those of you who are interested, I'll put up a pic soon. :-)
P.S. I already cut my finger on a snappi...don't ask. :-D

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

too many diapering options

I've been planning on switching to cloth diapers for a while now, but have the feeling it's just too easy to spend more $ on them than is really needed. I'm seriously considering making my own diapers. Not that I won't buy any as well, but I just want to try it. I actually bought a few today. Now, I have a question for those of you who read this blog and use cloth diapers already. What materials do you think would work the best? Not, which brand or style of diapers, but which materials that I will probably have wandering around my house just waiting to be recycled would be best to use? I'm sitting here with a cotton receiving blanket in my lap and I keep looking at it and thinking about my old accidentaly bleached towels and washcloths in the closet and the pile of old t-shirts that I figured I'd use for dusting. hmmmmm..... any ideas?
Now of course I won't leave without a few pictures. :-) Here is Cameron on thanksgiving. After many tries the last picture finally worked.

Finally!!! The picture I was striving for!!! :-)