Wednesday, December 10, 2008

too many diapering options

I've been planning on switching to cloth diapers for a while now, but have the feeling it's just too easy to spend more $ on them than is really needed. I'm seriously considering making my own diapers. Not that I won't buy any as well, but I just want to try it. I actually bought a few today. Now, I have a question for those of you who read this blog and use cloth diapers already. What materials do you think would work the best? Not, which brand or style of diapers, but which materials that I will probably have wandering around my house just waiting to be recycled would be best to use? I'm sitting here with a cotton receiving blanket in my lap and I keep looking at it and thinking about my old accidentaly bleached towels and washcloths in the closet and the pile of old t-shirts that I figured I'd use for dusting. hmmmmm..... any ideas?
Now of course I won't leave without a few pictures. :-) Here is Cameron on thanksgiving. After many tries the last picture finally worked.

Finally!!! The picture I was striving for!!! :-)


Rachel said...

Seems everyone keeps talking about my favourite subject: cloth nappies/diapers! LOL I'll never get anything done if I keep talking about these things! :)

Anyway, sounds like you're right on track with the bits & pieces you have in mind for turning into diapers. Certainly towels are perfect! If you like, I can email you a pattern & instructions for making diapers out of old towels. If you can get to this link OK, here is a photo of Benjamin as a wee baby wearing a diaper I made from the pattern:
The pattern comes up small (like newborn sized) but you could adjust it to make it bigger. You can put velcro on them or use the Snappi things, and that way you'd get a very fast diaper! But velcro *is* nice to have, in my opinion - certainly for wiggly little boys! :) Here's a website with lots of ideas & photos:
Not made anything from there, but thought you might find it useful.
And if you really want a bargain stash of diapers, take a look at this page:
You can make prefolds out of old t-shirts....and the receiving blanket would make ideal fitted diapers (tho might want several layers of fabric, whereas with the towels the diaper itself would be 2 layers of towelling with 2 layer booster inside (or even just a folded up wash cloth). Or you could use the receiving blanket (assuming it's flannel?) to make prefolds...I think Kushies brand prefolds are made from cute flannel prints.
Do you know how to knit or crochet? If so, that's a bonus and you can make your own soakers/covers for the diapers! :)

Hope you have fun! And make sure you take photos of anything you make, as I'm sure we'd all love to see! :)

Evelyn said...

LOL...why is everyone talking about diapers these days?! I would love to make my own cloth diaper, but really have no need just now, I was thinking the same thing as Rach tho that the towels is a go for sure. Definitely worth a try if your wanting to cloth diaper and it would be cheap too! Agreed on the velcro thing, tho I haven't used velcro myself, anything is better to me than pins or the snappis for wriggly children! :)

Evelyn said...

OOOH, I can't believe I forgot to comment about those pics! He absolutely tooo cute! Even the ones before the "perfect" pic was cute! One looks like he is playing peekaboo, and another looks like he is adjusting his hat. lol... :)

Hayley said...

Thanks for the ideas Rachel, I'll have to look at those sights. I know it seems that everyone is talking about diapers. I was afraid to make my post because I thought people will think I'm trying to copy them! But I wasn't! I've been wanting to switch for months, and have been waiting till James got settled into his job before spending the money.
Ev, I think Cameron really did think that we were playing a game of peekaboo! He thought it was pretty funny when the hat would fall over his eyes. I must give John some credit here. When the pic finally worked he was hiding behind the couch holding the hat on Cam's head so that he couldn't take it off!!!

Victoria Luv H. said...