Wednesday, September 2, 2009

still can't find the cord to my camera

So here's a really old pic. It's driving me crazy that I can't find the bag with all the things that go to my camera.
I'm 14 1/2 weeks along now. Yesterday I decided to weigh myself, assuming I had gained some since Cameron is nearly weaned and I really can't wear my normal clothes any more. But no, I've actually lost a couple pounds since I've been pregnant! How did that happen? I don't remember when I started gaining with Cameron, but that probably doesn't matter b/c this pregnancy is so different than with him! Maybe some people would think I'm silly to worry about gaining weight, and I'm not that worried about it, it's just weird for me.


Rachel said...

I wouldn't worry about gaining wait - it will come soon enough, and then you'll wish it hadn't! ;-) I lost weight with my first pregnancy - quite a lot, and my midwives weren't worried at all. Babies surive quite happily inside, unless the mother is literally starving herself, or mega dieting - and even then, the baby is a fighter! :) As for breastfeeding, I continued through my entire 2nd and 3rd pregnancies, with absolutely no problems at all. Abigail continued to feed through my pregnancy with Benjamin and for 18 months afterwards ;-), and it was all great. And then, 3rd time round, Benjamin only weaned the month before Clement was born (at 2 years old) and Clement was nearly 9lbs - so certainly noooo harm done there!

Evelyn said...

Ditto, I was down to 115 or was it 112 with Amelia...yep you remember that don't you Hays?

Hey maybe your having a girl! :D There's my guess!

Lovely to see you update! I was wondering if you were going to do what Steph does!


Rachel said...

Does Steph have a blog hidden away somewhere? ;-) I miss reading her updates and wondered if she was ever going to revive her blog! :)

Hayley said...

I went to my midwife today and everything is looking good. She did an ultrasound and we happened to see the baby do a flip! Pretty neat! I've been beginning to feel movement lately, so it was nice to see what I'd been feeling. Oh, and I know that it's ok to nurse through pregnancy, but I didn't want to. I felt that I should save my energy for other things! Don't want my house and hubby to fall apart b/c it's all going to babies/toddlers. I also didn't want Cameron to be too dependant on me, especially once the baby is born. I'd be afraid of him getting jealous if he still nursed sometimes and then he had to share it!

No, I hadn't forgotten about my blog. :) I think Steph has forgotten about hers though! lol
