Monday, February 7, 2011

One more try

After leaving my blog for quite some time, I think I'm ready to get back to it. Throughout the days, I think to myself that I should write things on here, or put up certain pictures, but since I haven't blogged for so long, I hesitate to start up again. Ok. I'm done hesitating. We will see how long this lasts.....who is going to read this anyway?

I'd like to have little more on here than just baby pictures. Why not talk about how I make babyfood, or pictures showing you that I finally made a skirt cut on the bias? Or, I could put up pictures of my first ever attempt at applique, and how I cheated to make it super easy. Yes, I think I'm going to start doing this. I even got my camera out from the corner of the closet and got it working again.


Evelyn said...

guess what! I still read it!!

Hayley said...

I'm shocked! lol! The only problem is that I THOUGHT my camera was working, but it's not. so, blurry pictures from my phone, here we come. haha