Monday, June 20, 2011


We are moving at the end of this month/beginning of next. We gave our 30 days notice where we currently live, so we have to be totally out of here by July 16. As reality sets in, I am overwhelmed! I don't even know where to begin packing. Any tips anyone? Looking around the internet for ideas on where to start was no help. Suggestions like numbering boxes and writing down everything you pack are not things I'm interested in. I am not that orderly or organized and I'm not going to pretend to be. I have started to randomly pack things. I packed up all the extra blankets, towels, cloth diapers, etc. Then I realized that I might want to use some of those things as padding when I pack up my breakables. Too bad, I'm not opening those boxes. :) Then I emptied the closet in the living room and started filling it with boxes of books, maternity/fat clothes, and sewing junk (yes, that's how I labeled them). Now I'm tired and it's not even 3pm. Man, I must be out of shape.

1 comment:

Evelyn said...

At least labeling them in such a way to know which room they go in will help in the long run and you'll know what's likely to be in glad you don't have to do the nitty gritty work and number and complete a brief description of whats in the box (fun!). Pack things you know you won't need first, and so the way is there really a certain way to pack up a house if so I haven't found it! All the best with y'alls move! Your the third person related to me that is moving in the month of June/July!