Monday, July 25, 2011

Getting settled in

We are finally getting settled in here at "the new house" as Cameron calls it. We are enjoying living in a house, it's so much nicer that an apartment, not to mention it's ours! Pictures are coming soon- I promise. :)

The boys are enjoying running in circles and dancing around in the living room, I'm enjoying my kitchen cabinets, and James enjoyed mowing the lawn for the first time, Saturday! We met our neighbors across the street about a week ago. They seemed super nice. It's kind of scary to meet neighbors. It's not like when we were in an apartment. I didn't even meet my neighbors after they had lived there for a year! There were a couple of older ladies who would comment on my kids when we walked by, but that's it, and that's how I liked it. I think I will have some adjusting to do.

We didn't have internet for a week. I don't really want to show you all pictures of messy rooms full of boxes because I'm insecure like that. So, those are my two grand excuses for not having any pictures for you today Ev! I do have a picture that was taken before the house was finished though. But I'm standing in front of it, and I didn't know James was taking a picture. Do you want me to post it? Ok. Are you sure? I am in it you know. You still want to? Ok....

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