Wednesday, October 15, 2008

new jobs and allergies

James started his new job as a roofing inspector this week. Right now he's training with two other people. I'm not sure how long it will be till he's out on his own. I hope he likes it once he is! Victoria got a job as a hostess, her first day was monday as well, so the house is full of new scedules and peoples getting used to their new jobs. Mine is the same as usual - babysitting too many hours each day. Now I have to bring Victoria to work and pick her up with two little ones in car seats. Then I have to do it again when her break is over. Tatum's car seat has to go in and out of the car continually so that her mom can pick her up on her lunch break etc. ahhhh, so annoying! We have to figure something else out. I hope that eventually I won't babysit any more. I feel like now that I have my own baby, I don't really feel like having someone elses child make messes in my house, and take up my time, I want to take care of my family more. Hopefully that doesn't sound rude, it's just true!!! Oh well.

Last week James was sick, and he's still trying to get over it. Cameron kept getting a stuffy nose, and I've noticed that if I take allergy meds then he's better, but every time I skip, it gets worse. I guess he gets some of it through nursing. I don't like to be on stuff, and so I always live w/o it (never mind the dark circles around my eyes from allergies), but now I'm thinking I should take it every day for Cameron's sake. But is there anything else to do? I would hate to have Cameron taking stuff for allergies when he's a little one still. Has anyone else had this problem?

Speaking of Cameron, he just woke up from a nap and I hear him singing/talking in the other room so I'd better get going now!


Melissa said...

Just a thought, but you could perhaps look for raw local honey and eat every day that instead of the allergy meds. It would expose you (and Cameron through nursing) to small quantities of many allergens, and it actually works quite well to desensitize the body to various environmental allergens. I have no idea how well it would carry through nursing for Cameron, but I know it works quite well for the first hand consumption!

As for the car seat... I know the feeling! My nephew has JUST grown into the regular booster seats for preschoolers, and until then we were constantly switching the car seat between cars. Maybe you could suggest her mom watch for a sale and get a second car seat? We have a booster for each child here now, their grandmother has one for each of them, and their mom has one for each of them. The boosters are easier though, because they're only $15 a piece instead of being $40+!


Evelyn said...

Totally know what you mean about car seats!! AHHH! I have to be in the look out for yet another car seat like Amy's sometime early next year ho hum...three children in the back of our red car now that will be interesting! Surely Changes sell used car seats?? I know I never liked buying used, but they may be better there than anywhere else...I'm not suggesting you buy one no get Tatum's mom to...but then she'll end up with two. Does she know of any friend that has a second one you could borrow for the time being maybe?

That's not nice about the allergy stuff, I wonder if it is worse in Texas then the Northern parts of USA/Canada?


Hayley said...

thanks for the ideas on the carseat problem, her mom is looking into a booster seat. yay!

melissa, i've heard about using honey for allergies before, but had forgotten about it, i will look into it! even if it wouldn't help cameron i might do it for myself as well. thanks for the idea!

the lack of caps would be b/c of typing with one hand. the other is holding a baby who really really wishes he could type too!