Wednesday, January 14, 2009


My washer broke and so I had a guy come to see about fixing it. I found out that it would be more worth it to get a new one than to fix it, so now we are washer shopping. bla.

On a happier note, Leah and I went to a consignment shop in houston yesterday. I've always refused to drive in houston but did it this time and since i'm still alive, I guess it wasn't too bad. The place we went was pretty nice, they sold just about everything for babies, kids, and moms. I hope to go there again sometime. They even sold cloth diapers! Afterward Leah came over for lunch, we had left before 10 but didn't get back til after 1 and we were sooo hungry!

Cameron actually slept for 7 hours straight last night. this is the first time since getting sick (the first time in over 3 weeks) that he's not woke up every 2-3 hours all night long. Yes that's tiring. I'm afraid he fell asleep before i gave him his antibiotic, so I wonder if that had to do with his ability to sleep. I think it gives him a stomach ache. He also ate babyfood yesterday which he hasn't been doing lately. I feel sorry for his poor tummy. Well, he's asleep now in my arms so typing is very slow going right now. I think I'll leave it at that and go get busy before he wakes up.


Evelyn said...

ooh was that the one that Steph and Rachel were talking about? The young and the restless or something of that sort? Yes driving in houston...oh dear, good for you though if you can do it once you could do it again I'm sure!

Hope Camcam gets better :)

Ev xx

res ipsa loquitur said...


I only just discovered your blog & will be checking in regularly as a loyal fan... I hope all's ok - and Cameron's keeping better. He's looking gorgeous! :)


klo xx

Cara said...

Cameron is such a cute baby hope he feels better soon.

Nice blog.

Hayley said...

Yes, young and restless is the store I went to Ev.

HI! Klo, nice to hear from you. It's nice to know that ppl are discovering my blog. lol
