Tuesday, November 4, 2008

new teeth

Cameron probably wouldn't want me to take a picture of his latest accomplishment so I'll have to just tell you. After a tough week, he cut two teeth on friday! Yay! That morning he was so cranky, and hadn't been himself for days, then he woke up from a long nap, and was normal. Finally, two little teeth. :-) It's so nice to have him acting normal again.
Cameron has been rolling a lot, and tries to get on his hand and knees. He scoots and ends up in weird places, like under the coffee table, if I am not watching very closely. I'm not sure how much babyfood a six month old should eat. If I nurse him, and then feed him a jar with cereal, he cries when it's done. Oh boy! That should be enough I would think. Too bad he doesn't agree.

Last night Cameron figured out how to undo his diaper. I'd better keep an eye on that. After a bad week (teething, plus the time change), and his sleep scedule getting all messed up I wondered how long it would take Cameron to fall asleep totally on his own during the day...as in, me letting him cry and just recovering him with a blanket and giving him his pacifier when he needed it. This is the third time I've done it, and it only takes him 4 minutes to fall asleep. Yay!
So I guess that's all on the little 6 month old for today.


Evelyn said...

Hi, just did a quick google search on how much solid food a 6 month old should get and I actually got this... maybe it will help? http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com/howmuchbabyeat.htm

Totally agree about the milk feeds they are very important. I've tried to (with the help of a book I found this out...) nurse or bottle first and then give the solid feed.

So hope that helps! Wish I would have searched that out sooner!

Evelyn said...

oh, and congrats on the toofers, Aaron still has zero. :S