I ordered some diapers, covers, and snappis from babyworks on Wednesday, and they've already arrived. That means it only took two days! That's so cool. lol I sound like a little kid. Now we'll see how long the motherease diapers take to come in the mail. For those of you who are interested, I'll put up a pic soon. :-)
P.S. I already cut my finger on a snappi...don't ask. :-D
Friday, December 12, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
too many diapering options
I've been planning on switching to cloth diapers for a while now, but have the feeling it's just too easy to spend more $ on them than is really needed. I'm seriously considering making my own diapers. Not that I won't buy any as well, but I just want to try it. I actually bought a few today. Now, I have a question for those of you who read this blog and use cloth diapers already. What materials do you think would work the best? Not, which brand or style of diapers, but which materials that I will probably have wandering around my house just waiting to be recycled would be best to use? I'm sitting here with a cotton receiving blanket in my lap and I keep looking at it and thinking about my old accidentaly bleached towels and washcloths in the closet and the pile of old t-shirts that I figured I'd use for dusting. hmmmmm..... any ideas?
Now of course I won't leave without a few pictures. :-) Here is Cameron on thanksgiving. After many tries the last picture finally worked.
Friday, November 21, 2008
bath time yesterday
Friday, November 14, 2008
more pics
I thought this was a good pic and really liked how the tree branches reflect in the sunglasses. And the blue brings out the color of his eyes. :-)
this time I have pictures
Cameron now really enjoys drinking from a straw. Aunt Toria taught him how. He already liked to drink water, but now he enjoys it even more. Gramma, do you recognize this cup you got for him? It has a straw instead of the regular sippy cup, and I like it better that way!
I put him in this chair a while back and he was pretty tickled about it! Mom, you left this chair here when you came down, I guess it was Diane's? I guess it's Cameron's now! Oh, and no, I don't really care for what his shirt says, I just wear it on him around the house mostly.
Cameron's mama just had to buy this toy because he liked it so much! It keeps him occupied and now I don't have to worry as often about leaving him to play by himself and ending up under the table or something! As you can see, he really does enjoy it. It has three legs, two with wheels and one that stays put so he can go in circles w/o running away.
The $25.00 crib and mattress! See how Cam has his feet in the air and the blanket on his head? That is how he gets to sleep. :-D For some reason he hates to have a blanket on his legs and it always ends up on his head. I think he puts his legs in the air b/c of when he's in bed with us and I sleep on my side, he rests his legs on me.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
can't think of a title
On Saturday I went to some yard sales with the girls. I almost didn't go, but decided to at the last minute. Now I'm very glad I went. I got a crib and matress for only $25.00! I also got 4 books for $2.00. Some people might find big thick books on "nutritional healing" and "natural cures" to be quite boring, but I enjoy reading such things. :-) I also got 2 "what to expect..." books. I was reading in one last night and laughing as I read about the sixth month in the book, What to Expect the First Year. They were talking about a method of getting your little one to sleep through the night for "softhearted or weaknerved parents". I was laughing at this "program" called Systematic Awakening because I've done it since Cameron was born and never thought anything of it. Why do books always make up fancy names for normal things? Anyway it's pretty much just taking care of the baby (feeding, diaper change etc) before he wakes up crying for it. Then he stays asleep. Oh, I guess I'm a softhearted weaknerved parent. Oh well, I don't see any reason for Cameron to cry more than he has to. By the way, talking about sleeping, I'm so thrilled, Cameron did not cry at all when I put him in his new crib for all his naps yesterday, and for the night. I am so glad, he now knows how to totally get to sleep on his own and he cries if I hold him instead of putting him in his bed. This is very nice except at church when he needs a nap.
I'm not babysitting any more. I think this will be a nice break.
Sorry to all you folks who find this very boring. You didn't have to read it. :-)
I'm not babysitting any more. I think this will be a nice break.
Sorry to all you folks who find this very boring. You didn't have to read it. :-)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
new teeth
Cameron probably wouldn't want me to take a picture of his latest accomplishment so I'll have to just tell you. After a tough week, he cut two teeth on friday! Yay! That morning he was so cranky, and hadn't been himself for days, then he woke up from a long nap, and was normal. Finally, two little teeth. :-) It's so nice to have him acting normal again.
Cameron has been rolling a lot, and tries to get on his hand and knees. He scoots and ends up in weird places, like under the coffee table, if I am not watching very closely. I'm not sure how much babyfood a six month old should eat. If I nurse him, and then feed him a jar with cereal, he cries when it's done. Oh boy! That should be enough I would think. Too bad he doesn't agree.
Last night Cameron figured out how to undo his diaper. I'd better keep an eye on that. After a bad week (teething, plus the time change), and his sleep scedule getting all messed up I wondered how long it would take Cameron to fall asleep totally on his own during the day...as in, me letting him cry and just recovering him with a blanket and giving him his pacifier when he needed it. This is the third time I've done it, and it only takes him 4 minutes to fall asleep. Yay!
So I guess that's all on the little 6 month old for today.
Cameron has been rolling a lot, and tries to get on his hand and knees. He scoots and ends up in weird places, like under the coffee table, if I am not watching very closely. I'm not sure how much babyfood a six month old should eat. If I nurse him, and then feed him a jar with cereal, he cries when it's done. Oh boy! That should be enough I would think. Too bad he doesn't agree.
Last night Cameron figured out how to undo his diaper. I'd better keep an eye on that. After a bad week (teething, plus the time change), and his sleep scedule getting all messed up I wondered how long it would take Cameron to fall asleep totally on his own during the day...as in, me letting him cry and just recovering him with a blanket and giving him his pacifier when he needed it. This is the third time I've done it, and it only takes him 4 minutes to fall asleep. Yay!
So I guess that's all on the little 6 month old for today.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Why do pics end up backwards from the way I download them? Anyway... Cameron really likes to play with the tags on my pillows, so I must admit that I haven't cut them off yet. It just keeps him entertained so well! He can hardly be left on the couch any more though since he's rolling and wriggly lately, so I imagine I'll cut the tags off when I decide to keep him off the couch!
I think this cutie looks awfully chubby here!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
no pics of James!
James doesn't really like to get his picture taken, so in most of the pics I have of him, he's either looking away, or like this....
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
new jobs and allergies
James started his new job as a roofing inspector this week. Right now he's training with two other people. I'm not sure how long it will be till he's out on his own. I hope he likes it once he is! Victoria got a job as a hostess, her first day was monday as well, so the house is full of new scedules and peoples getting used to their new jobs. Mine is the same as usual - babysitting too many hours each day. Now I have to bring Victoria to work and pick her up with two little ones in car seats. Then I have to do it again when her break is over. Tatum's car seat has to go in and out of the car continually so that her mom can pick her up on her lunch break etc. ahhhh, so annoying! We have to figure something else out. I hope that eventually I won't babysit any more. I feel like now that I have my own baby, I don't really feel like having someone elses child make messes in my house, and take up my time, I want to take care of my family more. Hopefully that doesn't sound rude, it's just true!!! Oh well.
Last week James was sick, and he's still trying to get over it. Cameron kept getting a stuffy nose, and I've noticed that if I take allergy meds then he's better, but every time I skip, it gets worse. I guess he gets some of it through nursing. I don't like to be on stuff, and so I always live w/o it (never mind the dark circles around my eyes from allergies), but now I'm thinking I should take it every day for Cameron's sake. But is there anything else to do? I would hate to have Cameron taking stuff for allergies when he's a little one still. Has anyone else had this problem?
Speaking of Cameron, he just woke up from a nap and I hear him singing/talking in the other room so I'd better get going now!
Last week James was sick, and he's still trying to get over it. Cameron kept getting a stuffy nose, and I've noticed that if I take allergy meds then he's better, but every time I skip, it gets worse. I guess he gets some of it through nursing. I don't like to be on stuff, and so I always live w/o it (never mind the dark circles around my eyes from allergies), but now I'm thinking I should take it every day for Cameron's sake. But is there anything else to do? I would hate to have Cameron taking stuff for allergies when he's a little one still. Has anyone else had this problem?
Speaking of Cameron, he just woke up from a nap and I hear him singing/talking in the other room so I'd better get going now!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Missing Ev...
So I put up this picture of Evelyn and Amelia. I think I've been missing her more lately since she's expecting and I'm realizing this is going to be the second time she'll have a baby since moving. What a difference from when she had Amy and we lived in the same house!
Love you Ev!!! (and Jett and Amy and Aaron)
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
an old picture
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
before and after
Even though this will no doubt be uninteresting to some of you, I'm to putting up a before and after picture. I've been wanting to add some color to my ugly brown living room, and finally was able to get some pillows, they helped sooooo much! So, before...
Cameron matched the room, so I put him in the picture!
Don't the pillows help a lot? I was so pleased! I think I'm going to try to get blue candles eventually. By the way, a new JC Penny was opening, so I went there and they had the pillows, buy one, get one for $1, plus i had a $10 off coupon so that made the pillows even nicer. ;-)
Feeding Cameron
since so many people have been bothering me...
I now have a blog (obviously). Is everyone happy now? Mercy came over here last week and set it up, so now I have no excuse. I guess it's a good idea since I have family and friends who might want to know what I'm up to.
Cameron is 5 months now, so i tried to take some good pictures of him. These are my favorites.
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